Wednesday, 30 March 2011

How to Make Online Networking Work for You – 6 Top Tips

Many entrepreneurs and business owners are put off using social media to build an online network, because the whole concept is just too overwhelming and time consuming.
Well the good news is, it needn’t be.
There’s a huge gulf between using social media personally and professionally. On a personal note, it might give your ego a boost to say you have 3,000 Facebook followers, but that’s no good whatsoever for your business unless they are the right followers.
In the days before online networking existed, business owners and entrepreneurs would connect through breakfast clubs; chambers of commerce events; conferences and exhibitions. And of course, they still do, although these types of traditional networking venues are reporting a significant downturn in numbers.
Some people would consider it ‘mission accomplished’ if they got rid of their stack of business cards during the course of an event. They would give them out to all and sundry, probably accompanied by a well-rehearsed ‘elevator pitch.’
The savvier among the networking fraternity adopted a more strategic approach: they knew in advance who they needed to connect with, and made it their sole aim. Because online networking is, by nature, time-consuming, you need to remain disciplined and focused.

These 6 Top Tips will accelerate your Social Networking efforts:
1. Create a Social Networking Strategy, alongside your business plan. Few people would dream of starting a business without a business plan to guide them and it’s the same with social networking.
Ask yourself three key questions:
I. What do I want my Social Networking Strategy to do?
Build my brand? Enhance my reputation? Shift more products?
II. Who do I need to connect with to achieve my goals?

III. Where are these people I need to connect with and how do I reach them easily?

Draw up a list of your short, medium and long-term objectives.
2.Another secret to successful networking, is that you should offer ‘value’ without expecting anything back right away. So put loads of free content on your website or blog. For example:

 Ebooks
 MP3 downloads
 Webinars
 White papers
 Training videos & tools

Include anything which establishes you as an expert in your field and which you’re willing to give away for free. Sharing content and giving away value is a great way to grow your contacts organically – which will pay dividends further down the line.

3.When posting to your website or blog, make sure you syndicate your content through StumbleUpon’s URL-shortener ‘‘ – which means it will go to StumbleUpon’s 10m-strong users, resulting in 3-4 times more traffic for you!
4.Use split-testing when making contact with people. You can split-test your email headings, content, the time of day you send your messages. Find out what works for your purpose and use it. But keep on testing.
5.Rather than delivering an elevator pitch to introduce yourself, think about creating your own ‘compelling story’ of around 50 seconds you can send viral via social media sites like Facebook and You Tube.
6.Don’t be afraid to reach out to your network for help. Only this week I heard from someone who was planning to go on Dragons’ Den to raise cash for her new business venture. Instead, she ran her idea by a few select contacts in her network and raised all the investment she needed! However, this only worked because she’d built up her contacts over time, established mutual trust – and given away great value first.
You can achieve virtually any goal by networking with the right people. Your network can be one of the most valuable business assets you own, so it’s worth spending some time getting your initially strategy right, for maximum impact and top results!
If you are unsure of how to go about marketing your self through online networking sites an internet marketing consultant will be abkle to help you.

Friday, 18 March 2011

How Tracking Your Internet Marketing Can Help your Business

Running a business can prove to be incredibly expensive, especially in the initial start up period. For this reason keeping track of your internet marketing can be an effective way of finding which of your marketing methods are working the best for you. After all, there is little point wasting time and money if you are not going to see the results from your efforts.

1. Why Track your Advertising?

The first thing you will need to do is work out which methods of marketing are most suited to your business. For example would having a blog be useful or are you going to get more traffic to your site posting articles to directories? Once you have decided you will then need to track how well these methods are working by monitoring hits to your website and/or blog, as well as back links that may have been created from articles and press releases.

This is also applicable if you choose to advertise within newspapers and magazines. One great way to track these ads is by asking people to quote a code when they contact you or adding an incentive for people to use certain links that you have set up. This could be a discount or a freebie.

2. How to Track Advertising

Tracking your internet marketing and advertisements need not be as complicated or time consuming as you may first assume. These days there are a number of programs that you can find online that are designed to help you carry out this task. They quickly and simply allow you to see how many hits you are getting and where you are generating the most traffic from. Although you may feel that this is an additional expense that you could do without, it may work out to be more cost effective in the long run and actually save you money.If you are intending to spend a lot of money on internet advertising it may be well worth your while to talk to a marketing company to gain some advice.

It is important to realise that if you plan on carrying out a lot of internet marketing you should also be prepared to track it to see how productive it is proving. Hopefully you will discover that this is essential to the running of a successful business!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Internet Marketing Helps You Get New Clients

How can you be sure that internet marketing will help you find new customers and help your business grow in a way you can support? Read on for some information that could help you shape an effective internet marketing campaign for your business that provides great return on investment in a way that your infrastructure can handle.


Researching your market can help you find out which gaps you could fill for consumers. Researching your competitors can help you find out what gaps to fill so that you can increase market share --- wooing prospects away from competitors because you've created a better value added proposition.
Research can also help you formulate an effective strategy for dominating the internet in a way that brings about an excellent return on your financial investment and on the sweat equity you put into the process as well. That research can also help you prepare your business for an influx of new orders.


Once you've determined how to move forward with your internet marketing plan, testing is important. Running some split tests could help you carefully plan for the future and do so in a sustainable way. Controlled growth and controlled expenses are going to be important. Don't skimp on testing before rolling out a large and expensive marketing plan. You may want to start smaller scale and get more aggressive as you start to see return on that investment.


Analysis of your internet marketing campaigns can help you figure out where to invest going forward. Analysis can help you formulate new plans to expand and improve on a continuous basis. Analysis can help you determine whether the plan and / or the professionals you're working with are doing a good job for your company.

Expanding Your Horizons

Don't get too stagnant. Your business direction should continually evolve, as should your internet marketing plan. Is today's plan bringing you new customers? If not, it's time for a change. Once your marketing efforts bring you five new customers a week, ramp up efforts so it brings you ten. As you expand your customer base, make sure your business infrastructure evolves to be able to support the volume boost. If it seems to daunting to continually expand on your own, don't hesitate to hire a professional. Controlled and careful growth in your marketing efforts as well as careful and controlled expansion of your business could result in a well balanced company balance sheet!

Picking a UK Marketing Company - Essential Tips

Are you looking to hire a UK based marketing agency to help you with your design and marketing? Here are some tips to help you find the right company to deal with.

The Web as Your Guide

Yes, it can be smart to use the web as your guide for just about anything nowadays. As a consumer you can find out a lot of information to help you choose a product or service provider through the internet. Search at your leisure from the comfort of your computer without having to wait for return phone calls. Tip: Deal locally so you don't have to worry about time zones. Sure, it may seem like an overseas company is priced right but do you want to wait for return calls because they're in a different time zone? Do you want to deal with someone in the area of marketing that has no idea what it's like in your geographical area?

Find a local marketing agency that has a good online reputation. That's another great thing about the web... it tells a story. You can follow bread crumb trails that lead to professional service providers that tell you how well their work is received. Testimonials, reviews, complaints, kudos...they can all show up online. If you are hiring a marketing agency, try looking up the name of the company and / or the principals to see if they have a good online reputation. Finding a lot of information or published articles could be very telling and help make your decision about whether or not to hire them an easier one to make.

Look at Samples

Does the marketing company have an online portfolio showing website design work or other marketing collateral that they have provided to clients? Or, can they demonstrate their expertise by showing you examples or case studies of other work that they have done? This information can help you determine that you are in face dealing with an experienced company with a proven track record.

Sometimes, you'll want a phone call or a face to face meeting despite seeing everything you want to see online. Speaking voice to voice can be very telling, letting you see whether or not you've found the right person for the job of helping your company with marketing. Once you find the right marketing agency it can make a world of difference in your company's ability to succeed. It can help you focus on what you need to focus on in order to grow and boost profit.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Tips for Running a Home Business When you Have Children

If you are thinking about setting up a home business alongside looking after your children then there a few things that you need to consider. This short article will give you help and advice on how to manage a career and child care.

Setting up a home business when you have children can be a great way to work whilst being able to look after your children at the same time. It also means that you can enjoy seeing your children without being tied to working set hours and for many parents this is a great incentive to having a home business.

Providing that you plan everything thoroughly and do not take on too much work then you should be able to enjoy a successful career. Of course, there will also be times when working might prove difficult, but the same could be said of having children and working a normal office job.

It is advisable to not take on too much work all at once and be realistic as to how much you can comfortably fit in. It might also be a good idea to sign up to a relevant online community and see if anyone can offer you help and advice.

1. Choosing Your Hours

The majority of people who run a home business and look after children tend to try and work in the evenings or at weekends so that there is someone else on hand to help out. However if your children are older then you may be able to fit in work during the school days.

If you do find that you struggle to balance both work and looking after your children sometimes or you simply need to work more during the day, you could consider child care. It is however important to remember that you need to think about the cost of this. If it will virtually cancel out the money you will earn then you need to decide how feasible it really is.

2. When to Start your Home Business

It is probably not a good idea to set up a home business if you have a very young baby unless of course you have people around you who can help out where needed. This is mainly because having a young baby can be quite draining, especially if you are getting up for feeds at all hours of the night and day. You may find that you cannot fully commit to your working life as well as your childcare duties.

Generally the key to running a successful home business when you have children is to be flexible and to make sure that you are incredibly organised. It may not be without its difficulties at times, but if you can find yourself a quiet area and ways to occupy your children then you should find that you can juggle the two quite happily. Chris Jenkinson

Business Plans for Setting up a Home Business

If you are new to starting a home business then creating a business plan could be worthwhile. You will be able to see what it is you need to achieve and how much money you need to earn to make your new venture viable.

A business plan is essentially a document that will illustrate your business and the objectives and strategies that you have as well as how you feel it will work financially. By having a plan it means that you will be able to gauge the success that your new home business will have.

1. Why Should I have a Business Plan?

It is common practice for someone who is thinking of starting a new home venture to need a business plan. Often these will be essential before you can obtain a business loan should you require one.

By having a business plan set out you can see if your goals and expectations are realistic. It will also enable you to work out the amount of money you need to earn and how much work you will need to keep going. You can set a business plan for the period you feel necessary and that you will be able to realistically start achieving. By having a list of objectives to achieve it is easier for you to stick to them and to know how to proceed. If you set yourself a specific goal you are far likelier to stick to the plan and therefore have a successful career. Without a business plan it is easy to lose your way and feel that you do not know which direction to go in.

2. What Should I Include?

A well constructed business plan should include sensible ways of meeting all of the goals that you have set. A home business plan is after all no good with a list of objectives that you have no way of meeting. You need to plan ahead and explore all avenues to see if your home business venture will be viable.

A plan will also contain thoughts on how you are going to gain work and in what ways your competitors may do so. If you do not know how to go about one then it is worth asking for help or looking on the internet for a guide. This will give you an idea of what you should include and areas that you should concentrate on. If you know someone that has made a business plan before, then ask for their help and see if you can gain ideas to assist you with writing your own. Chris Jenkinson

Saturday, 26 February 2011

How to Use Twitter to Advertise Your Business

Twitter is just one of many social networking sites available these days and if you know what you are doing you can use it to help advertise your home business. It allows you to network with likeminded people and help you spread the word about what it is you do. You can provide information about your products or services as well as marketing to people of offers and discounts that you may have. It can also be a great way to receive feedback on how others perceive your business and what you could do to grow.

1. New to Twitter?

If you have never used Twitter before then you may be wondering what it is all about. To put it simply, a ‘tweet’ is the text that you create and post to your account for others to see. This is normally a maximum of 140 characters and allows you to tell all your followers what you are thinking. In this way you can use your ‘tweets’ to inform others of any special promotions or discounts and keep them up to date with what you are doing. This helps to provide a way for you to advertise your home business venture.

2. Target the Right Audience

Once you have set up your Twitter account it is vital that you make sure your ‘followers’ are people that would be interested in what it is you do, or who can offer you help and advice. You can then try to interact with your followers by commenting on their ‘tweets’ or asking questions on yours. In this way you will hopefully build up a good rapport with people and they will see you and your business as worthwhile and you will gain a good reputation.

3. Be Professional

Of course, it is important to remember not to spam your new ‘followers’ as people can view this as being a little desperate and they may choose to delete you. Make sure that you remain professional at all times to avoid alienating your potential customers. Avoid over ‘tweeting’ and try to mix up the posts you make to include some more light-hearted elements so that it does not seem like you are constantly promoting your business. The key to good advertising on Twitter is to find a good balance.

Overall, be sure to keep your ‘tweets’ professional and to the point since the number of characters you can use is limited. It can be a great way to get some free advertising for your business but make sure that your followers feel that you value their friendship and business. Treat Twitter as any other method of marketing and remember that it will take time and effort to begin with.