Saturday, 22 January 2011

Marketing Consultancy is a Must For Every Business

Marketing consultancy services can benefit every business, regardless of its size and industry classification. Without the help of marketing professionals, a business is essentially selling itself short and typically at greater risk of not living up to its highest profit potential. With a majority of all businesses, profit is the name of the game.

Consultants understand that every business is unique. Therefore, they work with every client on an individual basis to help them meet individual goals and objectives.

Since an Internet presence is now almost as important as establishing a good relationship with brick-and-mortar based customers, these marketing firms are well versed in online marketing strategies as well.

Looking Into the Future

A good marketing consultancy firm doesn't proceed with creating a plan without asking the business owner to look into the future and determine where they want to be within a certain timeframe. The best results are achieved when a marketing plan is based on long-term goals instead of just the immediate future.

At this point, if the same business owner has never really taken the time to realise his future business goals the consultant will be there to make suggestions and help develop the best plan possible.

A Major Benefit

A major benefit, perhaps the most important one, of this type of consultancy is the fact that business owners can concentrate on other aspects of their business while the consultant continues to develop and execute their marketing plan.

This is especially beneficial to new business owners who do not know the "ins and outs" of business related-marketing. It is much more practical and economical in the long run to have a professional take on the job so you can focus on your own core strengths.

Starting a new business is typically very stressful. Hiring a marketing consultant or consultancy firm is an excellent way to reduce some of that stress and help to ensure that the business is essentially on the right track, from day one.

Choosing the Right Firm

Choosing the right firm probably will not happen overnight. To be successful, marketing strategies cannot be taken lightly or put off until another time. Because there are many firms to choose from, this task may seem somewhat daunting. However, there is no reason to put it off. A professional firm will never have a problem sharing their portfolio or success stories with any business that inquires. Armed with this information, deciding on the best marketing company will typically be a much easier process.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Your Internet Marketing Consultant Needs to Be More Than A Motivational Speaker

Have you been searching for help with your online marketing? You may be wise to hire a skilled consultant who can help you unleash the true power of the web. Skills are important and internet marketing consultants should know their stuff. They can often articulate themselves well. But they need to do more than just "sell" you on what they can do for your marketing efforts. An internet marketing consultant needs to be able to demonstrate their expertise and show you real results as well.

Hiring the right person or company to help you with your website advertising and sales strategy is important. You want your business to grow and you want to receive a great return on whatever investment you need to make. Neither the most expensive nor the most inexpensive consultancy firm is necessarily the right firm for your goals, though. Take the time to find the right person for the job by being certain that they'll deliver more than a motivational speech about how wonderful it is to undertake an online marketing campaign. Fab that the consultant talks the talk; but can they walk the walk?

Online and Business Expertise

What sort of internet marketing expertise does this consultant have? Do they seem to know what they're talking about? Are they using cutting edge techniques for areas such as: article marketing, on page optimisation, off page optimisation, and web design? What's their business expertise like? Have they got any familiarity with a company such as yours?

Demonstrated Results

Does the internet marketing consultant have positive testimonials and a portfolio of work that shows that they can do what they say they're capable of doing? When it comes to spending money and to putting your business in the hands of someone else, you'll want to see case studies.


No internet marketing consultant can realistically guarantee the "moon", especially with unpredictable and uncontrollable factors in internet marketing but guaranteed satisfaction, increased search engine rankings, and demonstrable results are essential.

When choosing your consultant, you'll want to know that they know their stuff. You'll also want to feel good about their communication style. Motivational isn't bad but promises shouldn't be empty ones. The wrong online marketing approach could fall flat and result in a waste of your money. Or, even worse, it could result in harmful damage to your website's rankings and your company's reputation with customers and with search engines.

The right approach is important. A successful internet marketing consultant will work within the parameters of search engine guidelines and will work with both your business and your customers' best interests in mind. Have you been searching for help with your online marketing? You may be wise to hire a skilled consultant who can help you unleash the true power of the web. Skills are important and internet marketing consultants should know their stuff. They can often articulate themselves well. But they need to do more than just "sell" you on what they can do for your marketing efforts. An internet marketing consultant needs to be able to demonstrate their expertise and show you real results as well.

Hiring the right person or company to help you with your website advertising and sales strategy is important. You want your business to grow and you want to receive a great return on whatever investment you need to make. Neither the most expensive nor the most inexpensive consultancy firm is necessarily the right firm for your goals, though. Take the time to find the right person for the job by being certain that they'll deliver more than a motivational speech about how wonderful it is to undertake an online marketing campaign. Fab that the consultant talks the talk; but can they walk the walk?

Online and Business Expertise

What sort of internet marketing expertise does this consultant have? Do they seem to know what they're talking about? Are they using cutting edge techniques for areas such as: article marketing, on page optimisation, off page optimisation, and web design? What's their business expertise like? Have they got any familiarity with a company such as yours?

Demonstrated Results

Does the internet marketing consultant have positive testimonials and a portfolio of work that shows that they can do what they say they're capable of doing? When it comes to spending money and to putting your business in the hands of someone else, you'll want to see case studies.


No internet marketing consultant can realistically guarantee the "moon", especially with unpredictable and uncontrollable factors in internet marketing but guaranteed satisfaction, increased search engine rankings, and demonstrable results are essential.

When choosing your consultant, you'll want to know that they know their stuff. You'll also want to feel good about their communication style. Motivational isn't bad but promises shouldn't be empty ones. The wrong online marketing approach could fall flat and result in a waste of your money. Or, even worse, it could result in harmful damage to your website's rankings and your company's reputation with customers and with search engines.

The right approach is important. A successful internet marketing consultant will work within the parameters of search engine guidelines and will work with both your business and your customers' best interests in mind.

Online Vs Offline Marketing - Should You Be Doing Both?

Are you interested in making a splash with your marketing efforts? Are you wondering where to concentrate your efforts between online marketing and offline marketing? It's important to do both online and offline campaigns. But your unique business model and your goals impact where you should concentrate the majority of your efforts and your advertising budget. The biggest 'bang' for your buck may happen online, though so don't discount the potential of the Internet. This all depends on your business.

How will you stack up against competitors? What will be required for you to grow your business/ Your strategy should depend on a number of factors and one of those should be your niche market and your geographical area. If you're a small local business in a rural part of the country, you may want to focus your efforts more locally, through print advertising, radio announcements, television, and direct mail. The web can be advantageous anyway. Sure, you'll grab attention through coupons and flyers but many people looking for whatever it is that you sell will probably look online to help them decide who to call / where to go, etc. This can be especially important when trying to grow or when trying to penetrate a market that's served by an established competitor.

One of the great things about online marketing is that you can quite easily measure total cost of ownership and return on investment. Traditional campaigns can take months to measure but internet campaigns can take little to no time to see how they're working out. The internet can have more longevity as well. Spending money on a campaign could pay dividends now and dividends on an ongoing basis where print marketing can have a much shorter shelf life.

As a business owner, you'll want to spread your efforts out over multiple mediums. Email marketing, print advertising, direct mail, search engine optimisation, article marketing, press releases, blogging, social marketing, and other areas can all contribute toward your success.

If you're not sure where to start or don't have the cycles to manage this on your own, consider seeking help of a consultant. Look to a marketing consultant who can help with both online and offline strategies.

Some consultants have expertise primarily offline but some consultants have expertise in both the web and the brick and mortar world. Be sure to work with someone who will listen to you and who can show you measurable return on your investment.

If you want to succeed in business on the internet, marketing

If you want to succeed in business on the internet, marketing is vital. There are many facets to internet marketing. Which ones are the most important?

There's no right answer to that question. This is a subjective topic and because the internet is very open source, there is no right or wrong answer but here is some information from a marketing consultant about several vital steps that could help you increase your chances of online success:

Do Your Research

Before you embark on an internet marketing campaign, doing a substantial amount of research is essential. You'll want to research your market, your competition, your audience, and review information to help you define a search engine marketing and / or pay per click advertising strategy. If you can't do the research yourself either due to lack of expertise in this area or lack of cycles you could hire an internet research or consultancy firm to help you.

What's important from a research perspective? Whether you do it yourself or get some help, keyword analysis is important. Analysing your competition will help you as well. Looking at various social media strategies can provide a wealth of info and gathering general business intelligence will pay off in multiple ways --- helping you define, strategise, and execute a campaign that will work.


After you've defined and executed your web marketing strategy, ongoing analysis will tell you what's going well and what isn't going so well. Info gathered for internet marketing campaigns can help you with improvements and can also help you fuel future campaigns as well.

Reputation and Relationship Development & Management

Work to develop a great reputation online. Establish yourself as a professional and establish your company's presence as one that believes in customer experience, value, and service.

Online success needs more that just development of a reputation and / or a brand. It also requires that you nurture relationships. Social marketing is a two way street. So is blogging. Customers are looking for value and this can help to establish trust. Nurturing online reputation and relationships can equate to trust and success in gathering subscribers and followers to your website. Those subscribers and followers could become future clients and sources of word of mouth referrals.

Again, there are many facets to internet marketing and taking a step at a time can help you success. Regardless of whether you're embarking on a campaign on your own or getting help and whether you're new to this or not, taking steps toward increasing your online presence is exciting and can pay off huge dividends.

Organic Internet Marketing - Get More Results for Less

Organic internet marketing results in your prospective customers finding your company when they look for the thing they want. This marketing method can encompass a lot of work but once you reach the goal of being listed as highly relevant to strategic keyword phrases in your industry, it can be much simpler to reach your goals.

A lot of consumers today look to search engines to connect them with their desires. The check search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others. They also check websites, such as social networking sites, that could point them to links and to advertisements. Getting listed for the phrases your prospects are surfing for could help you get more customers. And if you work at it organically, it could cost you less money to attract customers.

Organic SEO Benefits

There are many facets to internet marketing but organic SEO (search engine optimisation) could be the most beneficial for an online business. Whilst paid advertising does have its merits, perceived relevancy in a number 1 position in Google's search engine results pages could be very powerful. Most consumers will be more trusting of an "I feel lucky' click rather than a "sponsored" one. It's not a bad idea to do both but it's definitely a good idea to take a serious attempt at ranking well organically.

Save Money On Marketing

And, in terms of your marketing spend, organic internet marketing costs a substantial amount less than a typical paid advertising campaign. Not only will you be seen as highly relevant to your subject matter but each visitor to your site won't cost a fee. Pay per click campaigning can quickly add up and it could take a lot of testing and tweaking to find the right keyword / ad blend to achieve results.

SEM vs SEO - Guarantees?

Search engine marketing is a viable internet marketing technique. Sponsored advertising can be highly effective but it can also be highly expensive. Campaigns often operate on a pay per click and there's no guarantee that the click will result in a sales.

With organic search engine rankings there are also no guarantees that a click will result in a sale but with this sort of traffic, there is no cost to you to receive a website visitor. The rankings attract visitors and then you can work on converting them into customers. Yes, it could take time, effort, and money to get your site listed at the top of the search engines but the rewards of these efforts could be substantial with a lower TCO than sponsored ads.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Top Tips to Try Before Hiring a Marketing Agency

If you have a small business that is just getting started, there are a few things you can do before you retain the services of a marketing agency to help you in the marketing arena. With a few right moves, you can get started on a positive note with a basic game plan set in place before turning to a professional firm for additional guidance.

Define your Customer and Communicate Effectively
Don't fall into the new business trap of not knowing who your customers are. It is important to identify your target market through effective due diligence such as market research and the ability to fulfil a particular need that may not be totally taken care of by your competitors. It is important that you find a way to stand out from your competitors such as superior customer service.

Brainstorm on paper to ensure you are projecting the right message to your potential customers. A marketing agency will often have new businesses do a SWOT analysis, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat factors that might impede business operations.

Spell Out Benefits and Features of your Products and Services
It is important that you present the most pleasing features of your products and services. However, it is equally important to support those features by advertising the benefits the customers will reap if they use your products over a competitor's. Why would your products and services be better?

Follow-through is an additional feature of promoting your business. Once you have attracted a potential customer to use your product or service, speak with them about their needs and how you can meet those needs. Even if you cannot close the sale immediately, it is important to follow-through by calling or emailing them. This action shows that you care about them as a customer and illustrates that by going with your company, customer service will be excellent. Follow-ups are the key to sales conversions down the line as well as positive word of mouth to new, potential clients.

Maintain Marketing Momentum
It is important to structure your marketing budget in such a way as to keep your company brand name in the public eye year round. Many new businesses have a huge marketing push only to run out of advertising dollars before year end and then experience stagnant sales. For this reason, internet marketing can be helpful through the use of blogging, banner ads, website-only specials and email marketing to existing customers about special sales.

While you can definitely succeed without the help of a marketing agency, it is important to allocate a portion of your budget to hiring one, even if it is to just check where you are in relation to promotions, advertising and industry placement. Having a marketing professional assess your business and present suggestions for improvement is important to your overall, long-term success.

Expand Your Internet Marketing Horizons and Try Blog Advertising

With the advent of the cyberspace age in the 1980's, internet marketing was born. As more and more people signed on online, the more business advertising grew. Whilst television, radio and print ads are still quite effective ways of reaching the average consumer, technology is the wave of the future. The introduction of the web log or blog has really revolutionised the way products and services are promoted online. Defining Blog Advertising Because a blog is an all-purpose vehicle serving as a voice, a platform and a way to send a memo out to the world, it makes sense as a business owner to take advantage of blog advertising. You should tie your blog to your company website, offering breaking news of new products and services as well as insight into the company itself. Or, you might consider being a guest blogger on other websites that complement your business. For instance, if you own a string of beauty salons, you might blog for a fashion hair magazine or one of the top beauty supply places in your area. To tie into your blog, advertising makes sense. These can be banners or small ads placed on the sides or at the top or bottom of the page. Direct links to your products and services you mention in your blog can be placed within the body of your writing. Tying into what you say in your blog with your company's products and services is an important step in internet marketing. Benefits of Blog Advertising Besides the entire world as your audience when you create a blog, advertising through it can hold a number of advantages. For instance, you can boost web traffic to your company website and gain a new customer base. You will also be able to better translate those visits to your blog into real sales, thereby reducing your clicking costs to a minimum. Finding a target audience for your company products and services becomes easier with blog advertising. This type of marketing is specific and more precise than traditional ways of advertising such as radio, newspapers, television and magazines. When someone finds your blog, chances are they are already interested in what you have to say and therefore would be more likely to follow the links or click the ads to purchase what your company has to offer. The final reason why blog advertising makes sense, no matter what the size of your business, is because it offers a continuous source of advertising. As long as you continue with your blogging and updating the ads and links associated with it, you will always draw in new web visitors and have the opportunity to translate those visitors into future sales. In the world of internet marketing, this constant source of potential customers is a key factor to overall success in this technological era.